All the details related to the Gujranwala To Multan Train Ticket Price & Train Timing are available here in this article. The total distance between Gujranwala To Multan by train is 407 kilometers. Four trains run from Gujranwala to Multan daily. The names of the trains that travel from Gujranwala To Multan are Awam Express, Jaffar Express, Khyber Mail, and Tezgam Express train.
Gujranwala To Multan Train Ticket Price
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 950 Rs. | 980 Rs. | 1750 Rs. | ||
Jaffar Express | 1000 Rs. | 1050 Rs. | 2650 Rs. | 1770 Rs. | 3460 Rs. |
Khyber Mail | 950 Rs. | 920 Rs. | 2600 Rs. | 1750 Rs. | 3390 Rs. |
Tezgam | 1030 Rs. | 1050 Rs. | 2650 Rs. | 1780 Rs. | 3450 Rs. |
Awam Express Gujranwala To Multan Fare
The economy seat price is rupees 950 from Gujranwala to Multan for Awam Express. The Awam Express Ac standard seat cost rupees 1750. Moreover, the Economy berth seat for a single person from Gujranwala to Multan ticket price is rupees 980.
Jaffar Express Gujranwala To Multan Fare
The Ac sleeper class ticket is rupees 3460 for Jaffar Express. Jaffar Express Ac standard class fare is rupees 1770 from Gujranwala to Multan for Jaffar Express. If we look at the Ac business class of Jaffar Express the fare is rupees 2650.
Karachi To Sukkur Train Ticket Price
Khyber Mail Gujranwala To Multan Fare
Gujranwala to Multan Khyber Mail economy seat cost rupees 950. For Ac business class the fare is 2600 rupees. The most expensive class of Khyber is the Ac sleeper class. The fare for the Ac sleeper class is 3390 from Gujranwala to Multan.
Tezgam Express Train Gujranwala To Multan Fare
The Tezgam economy seat is rupees 1030 from Multan to Gujranwala. The Ac business class costs 2650 for a single person from Gujranwala to Multan. Ac standard class fare is rupees 1780. Moreover, the Ac sleeper class fare is 3450 rupees.
Gujranwala To Multan Train Timing
Train Name | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Travel Duration |
Awam Express | 04:40 PM | 01:00 AM | 8 hours 20 minutes |
Jaffar Express | 09:00 AM | 05:00 PM | 8 hours |
Khyber Mail | 06:00 AM | 01:50 PM | 7 hours 50 minutes |
Tezgam | 12:00 PM | 18:45 | 6 hours 45 minutes |