Bahawalpur To Quetta Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024

All the details related to the Bahawalpur To Quetta Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024 are available here. The total distance between Bahawalpur To Quetta is 716 kilometers. Two trains run from Bahawalpur To Quetta daily. The names of the trains are Akbar Express and Jaffar Express.

Bahawalpur To Quetta Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BerthA.C BusinessA.C StandardA.C Sleeper
Akbar Express2300/-2450/-5600/-4100/-7600/-
Jaffar Express2400/-2500/-5700/-4250/-7850/-

Akbar Express Ticket Price

The Akbar Express economy seat fare is rupees 2300. The economy berth seat ticket is rupees 2450. The Akbar Express train Ac business class cost rupees 5600 from Bahawalpur To Quetta. The Ac standard ticket from Bahawalpur To Quetta is rupees 4100. Moreover, the Ac sleeper fare for a single person is rupees 7600 for Akbar Express.

Jaffar Express Ticket Price

The Jaffar Express fare from Bahawalpur To Quetta is 2400 for the economy class. The Ac standard class fare is 4250. If you want to travel in the most comfortable class, then you have to pay rupees 5700 for the Ac Business class. Moreover, the ticket rate for the Ac sleeper class of Jaffar Express from Bahawalpur To Quetta is rupees 7850.

Bahawalpur To Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price

Bahawalpur To Quetta Train Schedule

The Akbar Express is the fastest train that travels from Bahawalpur To Quetta. The complete schedule is mentioned below.

Akbar Express Schedule

The Akbar Express departure time from the Bahawalpur railway station is at 09:00 AM. The train arrival time at the Quetta railway station is at 04:20 PM. The train covers a distance of 716 kilometers in 7 hours and 20 minutes. The train takes 19 stops from its journey from Bahawalpur to Quetta.

Jaffar Express Schedule

The Jaffar Express departs from the Bahawalpur railway station at 03:00 PM. The train arrival time at the Quetta station is at 10:40 PM. The train takes 7 hours and 40 minutes to reach its destination. The Jaffar Express takes 21 stops during its journey from Bahawalpur to Quetta.

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