Hyderabad To Jhelum Train Ticket Price & Train Timings 2024

All the details related to the Hyderabad To Jhelum Train Ticket Price & Train Timings 2024 are available here. Here we provide economy class, Ac business class, Ac standard class, and Ac sleeper class fare and train schedule from Hyderabad To Jhelum. The total distance between Hyderabad To Jhelum is 1754 kilometers. 6 trains run from Hyderabad To Jhelum daily. The trains are Awam Express, Khyber Mail, Hazara Express, Pakistan Express, Sir Syed Express & Tezgam Express.

Hyderabad To Jhelum Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BirthA.C BusinessA.C Standard
Awam Express3150/-3250/-8450/-5900/-
Khyber Mail3100/-3300/-8500/-5850/-
Hazara Express3050/-3350/-5950/-
Pakistan Express3150/-3350/-8600/-5850/-
Sir Syed Express3000/-3200/-8650/-5900/-
Tezgam Express3100/-3150/-8600/-6050/-

Train Timing Hyderabad To Jhelum

The Pakistan Express is the fastest train to travel from Hyderabad to Jhelum. The Pakistan Express takes 12 hours and 10 minutes to reach its destination. The complete schedule is mentioned below.

Awam Express Schedule

The Awam Express departure time from the Hyderabad station is at 06:00 AM. The arrival time at the Jhelum railway station at 06:40 AM. The train covers a distance of 1754 kilometers in 12 hours and 40 hours.

Faisalabad To Bahawalpur Train Ticket Price

Khyber Mail Schedule

The Khyber departs from the Hyderabad railway station at 08:30 AM. The arrival time at the Jhelum station is 09:20. The total time taken by the Khyber Mail to reach its destination is 12 hours and 50 minutes.

Hazara Express Train Schedule

The Hazara Express is the second-fastest train that travels from Hyderabad to Jhelum. The departure time from the Hyderabad Station is 11:00 AM for Hazara Express. The train reached its destination at the Jhelum railway station at 11:20 AM the next day. The train takes 12 hours and 20 minutes to reach its destination.

Sir Syed Express Train Schedule

The train departure time from the Hyderabad station is at 03:00 PM. The arrival time for the Sir Syed Express at the Jhelum station is at 03:25 PM the next day. The train takes 12 hours and 25 minutes to reach its destination.

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