All the details related to the Bahawalpur to Nawabshah Train Timing and train Ticket Price 2024 are available here. Bahawalpur is in Punjab Province, while Nawabshah is in Sindh Province. The distance between Bahawalpur and Nawabshah is 552 kilometers. 12 trains run from Bahawalpur To Nawabshah daily. All these trains are operated by Pakistan Railways.
Bahawalpur to Nawabshah Train Timing
The Allama Iqbal Express is the fastest train that travels from Bahawalpur to Nawabshah. The train departure time from the Bahawalpur station is at 05:40 AM. The train arrival time at the Nawabshah railway station at 11:50 AM. The train covers a distance of 552 kilometers in 6 hours and 10 minutes.
Bahauddin Zakaria Express Train Schedule
The train departure time from the Bahawalpur railway station at 03:00 PM. The train arrival time at the Nawabshah junction at 09:35 PM. The train takes 6 hours and 35 minutes to cover the distance of 552 kilometers from Bahawalpur to Nawabshah.
Karachi Express Schedule
The Karachi Express train is the second-fastest train that travels from Bahawalpur to Nawabshah. The train departs from the Bahawalpur junction at 08:00 AM. The train arrival time at the Nawabshah station at 02:20 PM. The train takes 6 hours and 20 minutes to reach its destination.
Lahore To Liaquatpur Train Ticket Price
Bahawalpur to Nawabshah Train Ticket Price
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Allama Iqbal Express | 1750/- | 1950/- | — | 3250/- | — |
Awam Express | 1650/- | 1950/- | 4100/- | 3300/- | — |
Bahauddin Zakaria Express | 1800/- | 1900/- | 4200/- | 3150/- | — |
Karachi Express | 1700/- | 1940/- | 4300/- | 3155/- | 6280/- |
Hazara Express | 1740/- | 1900/- | — | 3150/- | — |
Khyber Mail | 1800/- | 1990/- | 4380/- | 3240/- | — |
Millat Express | 1840/- | 2040/- | 4350/- | 3250/- | — |
Rehman Baba Exp | 1700/- | 2000/- | 4250/- | 3085/- | — |
Pak Business Express | 1745/- | 2255/- | 4400/- | 3155/- | 6280/- |
Shah Hussain Exp | 1785/- | 2145/- | — | 3245/- | — |
Shalimar Express | 1730/- | 2140/- | 4150/- | 3050/- | 5800/- |
Tezgam | 2100/- | 2200/- | 4400/- | 3150/- | 6200/- |