Lahore To Arifwala Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024

All the details related to the Lahore To Arifwala Train Ticket Price & train Timing 2024 are available here. The distance between Lahore To Arifwala is 214 kilometers. 2 trains run from Lahore To Arifwala daily. The names of these trains are Fareed Express and Awam Express. These two trains are operated by the Pakistan Railways.

Lahore To Arifwala Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BerthAC LowerAC Business
Fareed Express1100/-1300/-1550/-1800/-
Awam Express1150/-1350/-1450/-1850/-

Fareed Express Fare Lahore to Arifwala

The economy class fare for the Fareed Express is 1100 rupees. The Ac lower class ticket price from Lahore to Arifwala is 1550. Moreover, the Ac business class ticket rate from Lahore to Arifwala is rupees 1800. The Ac business class is the most comfortable.

Awam Express Fare Lahore to Arifwala

The Awam express economy seat fare is rupees 1150. The economy berth ticket price is 1350. The Awam Express Ac lower class fare from Lahore to Arifwala is rupees 1450. Moreover, the Ac business class fare is 1850 for Awam Express.

Lahore To Arifwala Train Schedule Fareed Express

The Fareed Express is the fastest train that travels from Lahore to Arifwala. The train departure time from the Lahore railway station is at 02:00 PM. The train arrival time at the Arifwala station at 04:30 PM. The train covers a distance of 214 kilometers in 2 hours and 30 minutes. The Fareed Express has economy class, Ac business class, and Ac standard class.

Karachi to Lahore Train Ticket Price

Awam Express Schedule Lahore to Arifwala

The Awam Express departure time from The Lahore junction at 09:00 AM. The train arrival time at the Arifwala junction at 11:50 AM. The train takes 2 hours and 50 minutes to reach its destination. The Awam Express most comfortable class is the Ac business class.

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