All the details related to the Attock to Rawalpindi Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2024 are available here. The distance between Attock to Rawalpindi is 84 kilometers. You can travel from Attock to Rawalpindi in two ways. The first way is by road and the second way is by train. The most affordable way to travel from Attock to Rawalpindi is by train. 3 trains travel from Attock to Rawalpindi daily. The names of the trains are Awam Express, Khyber Mail, and Jaffar Express.
Attock to Rawalpindi Train Timing Awam Express
The Awam Express departure time from the Attock station at 08:45 AM. The train arrival time at the Rawalpindi station at 10:25 AM. The train takes 1 hour and 40 minutes to reach its destination. The Awam Express has an economy, Ac business, and Ac standard class.
Jaffar Express Schedule Attock to Rawalpindi
The Jaffar Express departs from the Attock railway station at 09:00 AM. The train arrival time at the Rawalpindi railway station at 10:20 AM. The train takes 2 hours and 20 minutes to reach its destination. During the journey, the train takes 4 stops. The Ac business class is the most comfortable class to travel in Jaffar Express.
Lahore To Multan Train Ticket Price
Rehman Baba Express Schedule Attock to Rawalpindi
The Rehman Baba Express train is the fastest train that travels from Attock to Rawalpindi. The train departs from the Attock station at 11:00 AM. The train arrival time at the Rawalpindi station at 12:10 PM. The train takes 1 hour and 10 minute to reach its destination.
Attock to Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C Business | A.C Standard |
Awam Express | 450/- | 675/- | 900/- | 700/- |
Jaffar Express | 500/- | 680/- | 850/- | 750/- |
Khyber Mail | 520/- | 690/- | 880/- | 740/- |
Rehman Baba Express | 540/- | 650/- | 895/- | 730/- |
Thall Express | 495/- | 700/- | — | — |