All the details related to the Faisalabad To Gujrat Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2024 are available here. The total distance between Faisalabad and Gujrat is 197 kilometers. 2 trains run from Faisalabad To Gujrat daily. The names of these trains are Pakistan Express and Khyber Mail Express. These two trains are operated by the Pakistan Railway. Both trains have economy class, Ac business class, Ac standard class, and Ac sleeper class.
Faisalabad To Gujrat Train Timing
The Pakistan Express train is the fastest train that travels from Faisalabad to Gujrat. The Pakistan Express departure time from the Faisalabad railway station at 07:30 AM. The arrival time at the Gujrat station is at 09:50 AM. The Pakistan Express covers a distance of 196 kilometers in 2 hours and 20 minutes. The most comfortable class in the Pakistan Express is the Ac Business class.
Khyber Mail Express Schedule
The Khyber Mail departs from the Faisalabad railway station at 02:40 PM. The arrival time at the Gujrat station is at 05:10 PM. The train takes 2 hours and 30 minutes to reach its destination. Like the Pakistan Express train the Khyber Mail also has the AC business class.
How To Book Ticket For Faisalabad To Gujrat Trains?
Follow the procedure below to book a ticket for Faisalabad To Gujrat trains.
- First of all open the website of Pakistan Railway.
- Click on the Booking section.
- From the list select the Journey from Faisalabad To Gujrat.
- Now select the train class and train name.
- After you selected the train class and train name click on book my ticket.
- Your ticket will be booked.
- You will receive the confirmation message on your phone.
Bahawalpur To Sahiwal Train Ticket Price
Faisalabad To Gujrat Train Ticket Price
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | AC Lower | AC Business |
Pakistan Express | 850/- | 900/- | 1200/- | 1500/- |
Khyber Mail Express | 800/- | 6930/- | 1250/- | 1550/- |