Faisalabad to Khanewal Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024

All the details related to the Faisalabad to Khanewal Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024 are available here. There are two ways by which you can travel from Faisalabad to Khanewal. The first way to travel from Faisalabad to Khanewal is by road. The second way is by train. The most affordable to travel from Faisalabad to Khanewal is by train. Pakistan Railway operates daily 6 trains from Faisalabad to Khanewal.

Faisalabad to Khanewal Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BerthA.C BusinessA.C Lower AC. Sleeper
Akbar Express750/-900/-1300/-1500/-1700/-
Karakoram Express700/-850/-1350/-1550/-
Millat Express730/-830/-1400/-1580/-
Pakistan Express680/-840/-1470/-1600/-
Rehman Baba Express725/-870/-1455/-1520/-
Shalimar Express685/-820/-1390/-1490/-1800/-

Faisalabad to Khanewal Train Timing Millat Express

The Millat Express departure time from the Faisalabad station is at 07:40 AM. The arrival time at the Khanewal station for the Millat Express train is 10:10 AM. The train covers a distance of 223 kilometers in 2 hours and 30 minutes. The train takes 5 stops during its journey from Khanewal to Faisalabad.

Bahawalpur to Gujrat Train Timing

Akbar Express Schedule Faisalabad To Khanewal 

The Akbar Express is the Fastest train that travels from Khanewal to Faisalabad. The train departs from the Faisalabad junction at 11:35 AM. The train arrival time at the Khanewal junction at 01:50 PM. The train takes 2 hours and 15 minutes to reach its destination.

Karakoram Express Schedule Faisalabad To Khanewal 

The Karakoram Express departure time from the Faisalabad station is at 02:00 PM. The train arrival time at the Khanewal station is at 04:20 PM. The train takes 2 hours and 20 minutes to reach its destination. The Ac Business class is the most comfortable class for the Karakoram train to travel from Faisalabad To Khanewal.

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