Gujranwala To Gujrat Train Ticket Price 2024

All the details related to the Gujranwala to Gujrat Train Ticket Price 2024 are available here. Here, all train fares are available. The total distance between Gujranwala and Gujrat is 57 kilometers. There are two ways to travel between Gujranwala and Gujrat. The first is by bus, and the second is by train. Seven trains run between Gujranwala to Gujrat daily. The names of these trains are Awam Express, Khyber Mail, Jaffar Express, Rawalpindi Express, Subak Kharram, Subak Raftar, and Tezgam Express. All these trains are managed by Pakistan Railway.

Gujranwala To Gujrat Train Ticket Price 2024

The ticket prices for each train from Gujrat to Gujranwala are mentioned below.

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BerthA.C BusinessA.C StandardParlor CarA.C Sleeper
Awam Express380/-410/-840/-620/-610/-710/-
Jaffar Express390/-420/-870/-630/-625/-950/-
Khyber Mail430/-450/-900/-640/-630/-1000/-
Subak Kharram450/-490/-860/-670/-690/-1020/-
Subak Raftar400/-510/-840/-680/-690/-1040/-
Tezgam Express395/-530/-870/-630/-645/-1050/-

Awam Express Fare Gujrat To Gujranwala

Awam Express has 6 classes. The fare for each class is different from that of the other. The economy seat of Awam Express costs 380 rupees from Gujrat to Gujranwala. The Economy berth seat fare is 410 rupees. The Awam Express’s most expensive class is the Business class. The Fare for the Business class is rupees 840 from Gujrat to Gujranwala. The Ac sleeper fare from Gujrat to Gujranwala is rupees 710. The Ac standard class costs rupees 620.

Sargodha To Bahawalpur Train Fare

Jaffar Express Fare Gujrat To Gujranwala

The Jaffar Express runs from Gujrat to Gujranwala daily. The Jaffar Express is managed by the Pakistan Railway. The economy seat of Jaffar Express costs rupees 390. The economy berth seat of Jaffar express fare from Gujrat to Gujranwala is rupees 420. If you want to travel in the AC business class of the Jaffar Express, then you have to pay 870 rupees from Gujrat to Gujranwala. The AC sleeper fare for the Jaffar Express is rupees 950.

Khyber Mail Fare Gujrat To Gujranwala

The Khyber Mail is the fastest train that travels between Gujrant to Gujranwala. The Khyber Mail parlor car ticket price is rupees 630 rupees. The AC sleeper class of Khyber Mail costs rupees 1000 from Gujrat To Gujranwala. The Economy class of Khyber Mail ticket is rupees 430.

Subak Kharram Fare Gujrat To Gujranwala

The Subak Kharram is the second-fastest train that travels between Gujrat To Gujranwala. The economy seat of Subak Kharram is rupees 450. The Ac standard class costs rupees 670 for Subak Kharram from Gujrat to Gujranwala. Whereas the AC sleeper class of Subak Kharram ticket price for one person from Gujrat to Gujranwala is rupees 1040.

Subak Raftar Gujranwala To Gujrat Train Ticket Price

The Subak Raftar economy ticket from Gujrat to Gujranawala is rupees 400. The Economy berth class of Subak Raftar from Gujrat to Gujranwala is rupees 480. The fare for the Ac sleeper class is 1040 rupees. Whereas the Ac standard class of Subak Raftar train costs rupees 680.

Tezgam Express Gujranwala To Gujrat Train Ticket Price

The Tezgam economy seat is rupees 395 from Gujrat to Gujranwala. The ticket rate for Ac Business class is rupees 870 from Gujrat To Gujranwala. The Tezgam train’s expensive class is the Ac Sleeper class. The Ac sleeper class costs rupees 1040. Whereas the Ac standard seat fare from Gujrat to Gujranwala is rupees 630 rupees.

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