Hyderabad to Peshawar Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024

All the details related to the Hyderabad to Peshawar Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024 are available here. There are two ways to travel from Hyderabad to Peshawar: by road and by train. The total distance between Hyderabad and Peshawar is 1967 kilometers. Pakistan Railways Operates 3 trains from Hyderabad to Peshawar. The name of these trains are Awam Express, Khyber Mail and Rehman Baba Express train.

Hyderabad to Peshawar Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BirthA.C BusinessA.C Standard
Awam Express3450/-3650/-9600/-8300/-
Khyber Mail3400/-3600/-9700/-8350/-
Rehman Baba Express3500/-3655/-9800/-8385/-

Hyderabad to Peshawar Train Timing Awam Express

The Awam Express departs from the Hyderabad station at 05:30 AM. The train arrival time at the Awam Express at 07:20 AM the next day. The train takes 25 hours and 50 minutes to reach its destination. The Awam Express has an economy, Ac business, and Ac standard class. The train takes 18 stops to cover the distance of 1967 kilometers.

Khyber Mail Express Schedule Hyderabad to Peshawar

The Khyber Mail is the fastest train that travels from Hyderabad to Peshawar. The train departure time from the Hyderabad station at 09:30 AM. The train arrived time at Peshawar station at 11:00 AM the next day. The train takes 25 hours and 30 minutes to reach its destination.

Lahore To Arifwala Train Ticket Price

Rehman Baba Express Schedule Hyderabad to Peshawar

The Rehman Baba Express train departs from the Peshawar station at 02:00 PM. The train arrived time at the Hyderabad station at 03:45 PM the next day. The train takes 25 hours and 45 minutes to reach its destination. The train takes 17 stops during its journey from Hyderabad to Peshawar. The Ac business class is the most comfortable class to travel from Hyderabad to Peshawar.

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