Khanewal to Jhelum Train Ticket Price 2024

All the details related to the Khanewal to Jhelum Train Ticket Price 2024 can be checked online from this page. The total distance between Khanewal to Jhelum is 414 kilometers. The Khanewal railway station is the oldest in Punjab Province. The Khanewal railway line connects the Punjab Sindh railway lines.

Khanewal to Jhelum Train Ticket Price 2024

A total of 5 trains travel from Khanewal to Jhelum daily. All these trains are operated by the Pakistan Railway. The names of these trains are Awam Express, Tezgam, Pakistan Express, Khyber Mail, and Jaffar Express. Here we will discuss each train fare rate in detail.

Awam Express Khanewal to Jhelum Train Ticket Price 

The Awam Express has four classes. All these classes’ fare rates are different from other classes. The names of these classes are Economy Class, Ac Lower Class, Ac Sleeper Class, and Ac Business Class. These train classes differ from each other based on the facilities provided. The ticket price for the Economy class from Lahore To Khanewal is 1700 rupees. If we talk about the ticket price for the Ac lower class the fares are 1850 rupees. The Awam Express’s most expensive class is the Ac Business class. The fare for the AC Business class is 2700 rupees from Khanewal to Jhelum.

Tezgam Khanewal to Jhelum Train Fare

Like the Awan Express, the Tezgam train has also four classes. The fare For Economy class is 1740 rupees. Those who want to travel from Khanewal to Jhelum in Ac lower class Tezgam train have to pay 1890 rupees. The ticket cost for the Ac sleeper class from Khanewal to Jhelum is 2040 rupees. For the Business class of Tezgam, the ticket cost from Khanwal to Jhelum is 2470 rupees.

Sahiwal To Jhelum Train Ticket Price

Pakistan Express Khanewal to Jhelum Train Fare

The Pakistan Express is the fastest train that travels from Jhelum to Khanewal. The economy-class Pakistan Express ticket price from Khanewal to Jhelum is rupees 1820. For Ac lower class the fare is rupees 1890. Whereas the AC business class of Pakistan Express costs 2130 rupees from Khanewal to Jhelum.

Khyber Mail Train Fare

The Khyber expensive class is AC Business class. The fare for the AC business class from Khanewal to Jhelum is 2490 rupees. The economy class ticket price is rupees 1810 from Khanewal to Jhelum. For Ac lower class the ticket price from Khanewal to Jhelum is 2230 rupees.

Jaffar Express Train Fare

The Economy class ticket price for the Jaffar Express from Khanewal to Jhelum is rupees 1730. The Ac lower class ticket price for the Jaffar Express is 1840 rupees. If you want to travel from Khanewal to Jhelum in the Ac business class of Jaffar Express, then you have to pay Rs 2445. The Jaffar Express is the fastest train that travels between Khanewal to Jhelum. The train takes 6 Hours and 20 minutes to reach its destination.

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