Sahiwal To Jhelum Train Ticket Price 2024

Here are all the details about the Sahiwal To Jhelum Train Ticket Price 2024. You can also check all train fares from here. The total time between Sahiwal and Jhelum is 336 kilometers. You can travel from Sahiwal to Jhelum in two ways. The first way is by bus. The second way is by train.

Sahiwal To Jhelum Train Ticket Price 2024

Four trains run daily from Sahiwal to Jhelum. The names of these trains are Awam Express, Tezgam, Khyber Mail, and Jaffar Express. We will discuss each train fare details one by one. Here all class fare details are available.

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BirthA.C BusinessA.C StandardA.C Sleeper
Awam Express1100/-1150/-2900/-1950/-
Jaffar Express1450/-1500/-3050/-2150/-4200/-
Khyber Mail1150/-1200/-3050/-1950/-
Tezgam Express1450/-1500/-3050/-2150/-4200/-

Awam Express Sahiwal To Jhelum Fare

There are four classes in Awam Express. These are named Economy, AC Lower, Ac Sleeper & Ac Business. The cheapest class to travel from Jhelum to Sahiwal by train is the Economy class of Awam Express. The fare for the economy class is 1450 Rupees for a single person.  The AC Sleeper class ticket price is rupees 1600. The Ac lower class ticket fare for Awam Express is 1700 rupees. The expensive class for the Awam Express is the Ac Business class. The fare for the Ac business class is 2100 rupees.

Tezgam Sahiwal To Jhelum Train Ticket Price

Like the Awam Express, the Tezgam Express also has four classes. The Fare for the AC business class is 2050 rupees. The Economy class ticket price cost rupees 1420 rupees. If you want to travel to the AC sleeper class of Tezgam, then you have to pay 1680 rupees from Sahiwal to Jhelum.

Also Read: Lahore To Jhelum Train Ticket Price

Khyber Mail Sahiwal To Jhelum Train Fare

The Khyber Mail is the fastest train that travels between Sahiwal and Jhelum. The most expensive class of Khyber Mail is Ac business class. The fare is 2300 rupees. If we talk about the fare for economy class the fare from Sahiwal to Jhelum is 1330 rupees.

Jaffar Express Fare Sahiwal To Jhelum

The Jaffar Express train is operated by the Ministry of Pakistan Railways. The ticket for the economy class from Jhelum to Sahiwal is 1370 rupees. The AC Business class fare for Jaffar Express is rupees 2430. Moreover, the fare for the Ac sleeper class from Jhelum to Sahiwal is rupees 4200 for the Jaffar Express train. The Jaffar Express is the fastest train that travels from Jhelum to Sahiwal.


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  • Tea
  • Newspapers

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