Check all the details related to the Sargodha To Bahawalpur Train Fare 2024 from here. Here all train fares are available. The total distance between Sargodha To Bahawalpur is 427 kilometers. Two trains travel from Sargodha To Bahawalpur daily. The names of these trains are Millat Express & Hazara Express. These trains are managed by Pakistan Railway.
Sargodha To Bahawalpur Train Fare 2024
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C Business | A.C Lower |
Millat Express | 2250/- | 2700/- | 3250/- | 3330/- |
Hazara Express | 2300/- | 2750/- | 3150/- | — |
Millat Express Fare
The Millat Express economy class ticket price is 2250 rupees from Sargodha To Bahawalpur. The economy berth ticket price from Sargodha To Bahawalpur is 2700 rupees. For Ac Business class the fare is 3250 rupees. If you want to travel in the Ac Lower class of Millat Express, then you have to pay 3330 rupees from Sargodha To Bahawalpur.
Hazara Express Sargodha To Bahawalpur Train Fare
Hazara Express runs from Sargodha To Bahawalpur daily. There are three classes in Hazara Express. The names of these classes are Economy class, Economy berth, and AC Business class. Each class fare is different from other classes. The Fare for Economy class from Sargodha To Bahawalpur is rupees 2300. For an economy berth, the fare from Sargodha To Bahawalpur is rupees 2700. For Ac Business class the cost of one seat from Sargodha To Bahawalpur is rupees 3150.
Train Schedule
The train schedules for the Hazara Express & Millat Express are mentioned below.
Hazara Express Train Timing
The Hazara Express train departure time from the Sargodha railway station is at 11:00 AM. The arrival time for the Hazara Express train at Bahawalpur railway station is at 04:20 PM. The train takes 5 hours and 20 minutes to reach its destination. The Hazara Express takes 7 stops during its journey from Sargodha To Bahawalpur.
Millat Express Train Timing
The Millat Express train departure time from the Sargodha railway station is at 08:00 AM. The arrival time for the Millat Express train at Bahawalpur railway station is at 02:00 PM. The train takes 6 hours to reach its destination. The Millat Express takes 8 stops during its journey from Sargodha To Bahawalpur.