Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan Train Ticket Price 2024

Check all the details related to the Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan Train Ticket Price 2024. Here all train fares are available. The total distance between Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan is 675 kilometers. There are a total of 8 trains that travel from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan. The names of these trains are Pakistan Express, Shalimar Express, Allama Iqbal Express, Pak Business Express, Awam Express, Bahauddin Zakaria Express & Millat Express. All these trains are managed by Pakistan Railway.

Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan Train Ticket Price 2024

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BerthA.C BusinessA.C StandardParlor CarA.C Sleeper
Pakistan Express1850/-2050/-2170/-2440/-2540/-3240/-
Shalimar Express1840/-2060/-2180/-2470/-2530/-3340/-
Allama Iqbal Express1830/-2070/-2190/-2480/-2545/-3345/-
Pak Business Express1860/-2080/-2175/-2490/-2570/-3360/-
Awam Express1870/-2060/-2210/-2430/-2580/-3370/-
Bahauddin Zakaria Express1880/-2090/-2230/-2480/-2590/-3380/-
Millat Express1890/-2075/-2240/-2490/-3390/-

Pakistan Express Fare Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan

The Pakistan Express economy seat costs 1850 rupees from Karachi to Rahim Yar  Khan. For Economy berth the ticket price is 2050. Those who want to travel in Ac Business class of Pakistan Express, they have to pay 2170 rupees from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan. The Fare for Ac standard class from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan is 2440 rupees. Whereas Ac sleeper class of Pakistan express cost rupees 3240 from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan.

Shalimar Express Fare Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan

The Shalimar Express train economy seat ticket price is rupees 1840 from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan. The economy berth class cost rupees 2060. Ac Business class fare from Karachi to Rahim is 2180 rupees. Whereas Ac Sleeper class fare is 3340 from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan for Shalimar Express.

Allama Iqbal Express Fare Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan

The economy seat from Rahim Yar Khan to Karachi is rupees 1830 for Allama Iqbal Express. The economy berth class fare is 2070 from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan. The Ac Business class fare is 2170 rupees from Karachi To RYK. Whereas Ac sleeper class fare for Allama Iqbal Express from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan is rupees 3345.

Rawalpindi To Toba Tek Singh Train Ticket Price

Pak Business Express Fare Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan

The economy seat fare from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan is 1860 rupees. The economy berth fare from Karachi to RYK for Pak Business Express is rupees 2080. The Ac standard class of Pak Business Express is rupees 2490. Whereas AC Sleeper fare from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan is rupees 3360.

Awam Express Fare Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan

The economy seat ticket rate from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan for the Awam Express train is rupees 1870. The economy berth ticket price is rupees 2060. The AC Business class fare is 2210 rupees from Karachi to RYK. The fare for Ac standard class is rupees 2430 for Awam Express.

Bahauddin Zakaria Express Fare

The Bahauddin Zakaria Express economy seat ticket price is rupees 1880. The Ac standard class of Bahauddin Zakaria Express fare is 2480 rupees. The parlor car ticket price from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan for Bahauddin Zakaria Express is rupees 2590. The Ac sleeper class fare is rupees 3380. Moreover, the Economy berth fare from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan is rupees 2090.

Millat Express Fare

The Millat express economy class fare is 1890 rupees. The economy berth class of Millat Express ticket rate is 2075 rupees from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan. The AC standard class of Millat Express is rupees 2490. Whereas the Ac sleeper class ticket for one person from Karachi to Rahim Yar Khan is rupees 3390.

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