Check the online Lahore To Sadiqabad Train Ticket Price 2024 from here. Here all train fare details are available. The total distance between Lahore to Sadiqabad is 614.9 Kilometers. Thousand of persons travel from Lahore To Sadiqabad daily. There are two ways by which anyone can travel from Lahore To Sadiqabad. The first way is by bus. The second way is by train. There are five trains that travel from Lahore To Sadiqabad. The name of these trains are Akbar Express, Allama Iqbal Express, Awam Express, Jaffar Express & Khyber Mail. All these trains are operated by Pakistan Railways.
Lahore To Sadiqabad Train Ticket Price 2024
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Akbar Express | 2290/- | 2240/- | 4150/- | 4450/- | — (Non A.C) |
Allama Iqbal Express | 2240/- | 2230/- | 4160/- | 4470/- | — |
Awam Express | 2390/- | 2280/- | 4180/- | 4490/- | — |
Jaffar Express | 2420/- | 2290/- | 4120/- | 4430/- | 5100/- |
Khyber Mail | 2270/- | 2320/- | 4130/- | 4470/- | 5550/- |
Akbar Express Fare From Lahore To Sadiqabad
The Akbar Express economy class fare is rupees 2290 from Lahore To Sadiqabad. The economy berth ticket price is rupees 2240. For Ac Business class the fare is rupees 4150 from Lahore To Sadiqabad. Those who want to travel in Ac standard class of Akbar Express, have to pay 4450 rupees. The Akbar Express is the fastest train that travel from Lahore To Sadiqabad.
Allama Iqbal Express Fare From Lahore To Sadiqabad
The economy class fare for Allama Iqbal express is 2240 rupees. Economy berth ticket rate is rupees 2230. Whereas Ac business class of Allama Iqbal Express from Lahore to Sadiqabad is rupees 4160. The AC standard class rate is rupees 4470.
Awam Express Ticket Price From Lahore To Sadiqabad
The economy class ticket is rupees 2390. The economy berth ticket rate is rupees 2280. Ac Business class fare is rupees 4180. Whereas the fare for the Ac Standard class ticket fare from Lahore to Sadiqabad is rupees 4490.
Karachi To Sehwan Sharif Train Ticket Price
Jaffar Express Fare From Lahore To Sadiqabad
The economy seat ticket price is rupees 2420 for Jaffar Express from Lahore to Sadiqabad. Ac Standard class of Jaffar express fare is rupees 4430. Whereas the Ac sleeper class fare is rupees 5100 from Lahore to Sadiqbaad for Jaffar Express. The Jaffar Express has economy, Ac business, Ac standard and Ac sleeper class. The Ac business class is the most comfortable clas
Khyber Mail Ticket Price Lahore To Sadiqabad
The economy seat is rupees 2270. The Khyber Mail Ac business class ticket price is rupees 4130. Those who want to travel in Ac standard class of Khyber Mail have to pay 4470 rupees. The Ac sleeper class cost rupees 5550.