All the details related to the Lahore To Chichawatni Train Timing 2024 are available here. Check all train schedules from here. The total distance between Lahore To Chichawatni is 239 kilometers. Thousand of people travel from Lahore To Chichawatni daily. There are two possible ways in which you can travel from Lahore To Chichawatni. The first way is by road. The second way is by train. The cheapest and fastest way to reach Chichawatni from Lahore is by train. A total of 5 trains run from Lahore To Chichawatni daily. The names of these trains are Allama Iqbal Express, Awam Express, Tezgam Express, Khyber Mail & Jaffar Express. All these trains are managed by Pakitan Railway.
Lahore To Chichawatni Train Timings
Train Name | Departure Time | Destination Arrival Time |
Allama Iqbal Express | 12:00 PM | 3:50 PM |
Awam Express | 6:50 PM | 10:40 PM |
Tezgam | 1:40 PM | 5:10 PM |
Khyber Mail | 7:40 AM | 11:40 AM |
Jaffar Express | 2:30 PM | 6:10 PM |
Allama Iqbal Express Schedule Lahore to Chichawatni
The Allama Iqbal Express is the fastest train that runs between Lahore and Chichawatni. The Allama Express departure time from Lahore Railway station is at noon. The train reached its destination at 03:50 PM. The train takes 3 hours and 50 minutes to reach its destination.
Awam Express Lahore To Chichawatni Train Timing
The Awam Express is the second-fastest train that runs between Lahore and Chichawatni. The Awam Express takes 3 hours and 50 minutes to reach its destination. The train departs from Lahore railway station at 06:50 PM. The Awam Express train arrival time at the Chichawatni railway station is at 10:40 PM.
Sahiwal To Karachi Train Ticket Price
Tezgam Express Lahore To Chichawatni Train Timing
The Tezgam Express takes 3 hours and 30 minutes to reach its destination. The Tezgam Express train departure time from the Lahore Railway station is at 01:40 PM. The Tezgam train arrived at its destination at Chichawatni at 05:10 PM.
Khyber Mail Schedule From Chichawatni to Lahore
The Khyber Mail departs from the Lahore Cantt station at 07:40 AM. The Khyber Mail takes 4 hours to reach its destination. The Khyber Mail arrived at Chichawatni Railway station at 11:40 AM.
Jaffar Express Timing Lahore To Chichawatni
The Jaffar Express takes only 3 hours and 30 minutes to reach its destination. The Jaffar Express departs from the Lahore Railway station at 02:30 PM. The Jaffar Express reached its destination at 06:10 PM.